
Training Plan

At the beginning of each year, the Sullair Corporation After-sales Department will roll out a one-year training plan for customers and dealers, made public in the form of a calendar.

Training Content

  • What is vacuum?

    Vacuum — A state of a specified space where the gaseous pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure. In other words, the density of gaseous molecules in this space is lower than that of the atmospheric pressure in the region. In a standard state (0℃, 101325Pa), the gas molecules density is 2.6870*10E25/mE3.

    A space totally devoid of gas is called Absolute Vacuum. Absolute Vacuum only exists theoretically.

    Vacuum degree—Used to measure how sparse gas is in a vacuum state according to the vacuum technology.

    > Vacuum degree is typically denoted by gaseous pressure value.

    > Absolute pressure (absolute vacuum degree) values are always positive, because "absolute vacuum" is decoded as 0. The lower the absolute pressure value is the closer to absolute vacuum, and the higher the vacuum degree.

    > Absolute pressure plus Vacuum degree equals Ambient atmospheric pressure.

    > Relative pressure (surface pressure or relative vacuum degree): Because the ambient atmospheric pressure is decoded as 0, the pressure less than ambient atmospheric pressure is  called negative pressure. The bigger the negative value is, the higher the vacuum degree.

    > Relative pressure plus Vacuum degree equals 0.

  • Customer Training

    Sullair holds three to four client training sessions per year at Sullair

    The training content includes: company introduction, basic compression theory, air compressor structural function systems, machine operation, use and maintenance, fault analysis and troubleshooting, on-site Q &A and factory visits. Our training can help clients better understand Sullair products and improve their on-site operation of our products.

    Since the establishment of Sullair Asia, over 800 clients have received training at Sullair.

  • Sullair has maintained the tradition of training and assessing dealer service engineers for many years and has achieved outstanding results with wide recognition from clients and the industry.

    Since the establishment of the company, Sullair has been effectively training and assessing service engineers working at our dealers, utilizing a Level A/B assessment system based on technical ability level. The performance of the Sullair team and on-site service has thus been greatly improved.

    Training and Assessment Process:
    Service engineers at Sullair dealers first need to receive comprehensive service and technical training at Sullair and have certain on-site service experience before they can participate in the exam for a Level B qualification. After obtaining Level B qualification, they can then partake in the exam for their Level A qualification. After passing the certification, Sullair will issue a qualification certificate to the individual, valid for two years. Re-assessment is required after the expiration date in order for a renewed certificate to be issued.Sullair has a total of 630 dealer service engineer trainees. Currently, there are 94 Level A service engineers and 148 Level B service engineers.


    Number of Trainees


    Level A Service Engineer


    Level B Service Engineer

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